Saturday, April 13, 2013

Only Shreds Remain

In the canteen of life sitting, I sip old dark ale
The walls looking at me with their knotty eyes
I try to take the risk, and take a smile at life
But it still remains as cold as ice

I summon you, spirits of the light
To this yellowed mug of oblivion
Why do not come thee, over the night
And give me some antagonistic freedom

In the memory, only faces and place remain
Shreds of words leak, sometimes I hear laughter
Sometimes those mugs and their friendly clatter
But there’s no ale to quench the thirst of longing heart


In Ocean's Depths

I started this poem sometime in 2005, since then it is evolving and each time I read it, I add or take a few words, change phrases and do some polishing. Although it's not too great stylistically, I just hope that it corresponds to and transmits these tricky-to-grasp feelings of universal unity within ourselves. Without a further ado, here it goes ;)

Is this the nature of spirit,
Or am I just a strayed child?
Lost between creation and divinity –
What makes me be a human?

The cosmic embryo of life
Sitting on edge of the worlds
While in the depths of mind
The whole universe pulsates, heaving,
Trembles like internal mass
In need of being unleashed

And now you think you are drowning
In the sea of your own thoughts
But it's like this when you become the sea
And people are those sailing ships
Awkwardly trying to reach a thing
Misguiding the glow of esoteric stars
And islands in the infinite sea
The thoughts in oceans of minds
Elusive ports near the cyclonic eye

And when you think that you're flowing
Deep between whirlpools and whispers,
Then up to the bottom, dive deeper
There you will retrieve your glitter
Golden cities and pearls of cognition
Brighter than exquisite stars

Friday, April 12, 2013


There is something hidden here
Haunting inside like a fever
Bursting strangely and in silence
Subconsciously breeding violence

Motivating to bring thunder
But there’s nothing going under
Swollen souls gripped with desire
But the fear devours fire

Disaffection – I transpire
But uncertain of my power
I still hide from these delusions
That swarm over my seclusion

And which way should I be going,
While I don’t know what I’m doing?
And with constant hesitation
I can’t choose the right intention…

There is something hidden here
Haunting inside like a fever
Multitude of high hopes shouting
That won’t let me go not wanting

To create a better conscience
And move outside of the monster
That has shunned all my perfection
Leaving me with contradictions

Basically, I’m overloaded
Strolling through halls overcrowded
Each one staring and approving
Each one judging and deluding.

Enlighten me with inner knowledge
Which’s been hidden by destroyers
Who infect all with illusions
And against my breeding visions

Never let the higher being
Spring into the light of living
For it seems that all the power
Is dismissed by fear and sorrow

Now I’m conscious of all horrors
Of the world that slowly swallows
All the souls and innocence -
Labyrinths of abhorrence

To Isis

Into the darkness, searching the light
Thus I tell the outer world good-night
Into my Isis’ warm open arms,
I submit to you, goddess of law
Reaching into my deeper depths
I find the blossoming eternal breath
And dedicate this unto you
Presenting with the most delicate wreath
Accept my offer of offerings
Myself as your servant just at your feet
Humbly awoken by thy grace in heavens
I go and bow to you, my sweetest desire
To reside in your presence is the most grateful gift
As time bends around our eternal peace
Under your protection, mother of Horus
I give in my power for your guidance, mighty
For thou art the star of the north
The gleam of the morn
The pearl of the west
The queen of the south
The mighty cross of four sides
In the sky your essence resides
And reigns upon and above

Spiritual Disembowelment

I see immortal animals
strolling anxiously through the nights:
their hooves sunk in dump
their horns tangled in plastic bags

entwined in endless deficit, eternal hunger
drives us towards the better half of what we truly are
unborn to perfection, cast into oblivion
ascending towards divinity in monotonous pace

why fight, why strive, why make strife?
our very being is bound to unfolding path
yet illusion makes you push and feat
against imaginary inner fiends

spinning in the vortex of lawful chaos
sheer energies clot shaping forms
trees rise, blood rushes, lava boils,
lush unspeakable creation emerge

behold the unity and perfection
observe and merge with the universe
we arise from and live in it, our mother,
in which, ultimately, we shall dissipate

Strength, Love, Wisdom

Can a treetop wreath be lush
Without a mighty trunk?
And can the tree grow up
If strong are not it’s roots?

Can two hearts sing one song
Without a common tune?
Could they become one soul
If love were not in both?

Could wise old mountains rise
If not for wisdom’s wind
Who’s fragrant subtle draft
Ascends them from within?

Could you go to the world
If not for gifts these three?
Yet every man does yearn
To grow, to live, to see

Of Truth

A philosophical poem

That which my brethren have told me
And that which my mother has taught
Does not speak t’ me so profoundly
As experience’s tiniest a jot

No logical thinker’s reasoning
Nor all-wise philosophers’ talk
Will convince me of truth’s synonym
Than what I have seen as a fact

And what you conceive of as true
With all the support you may have
Will just be your own point of view
Before otherwise I have learned

Marching In Stillness Of Moments

My little consciousness shoots out
Into the fire of the voids entwined
Blazing through immaterial selves
Backward thoughts of recognition

As the universe self-creates
Nebulae of chaos perfectly lush
Laid down on the aeon of nonexistence
From stone therefore erects a change

Like trees, slowly protruding upwards
Fractal realities of self-portraiture
Glaze through inconspicuous souls
Reaching gently into our lights

And as I realize what I shouldn’t
As time passes through my mind
I find it strange to conceive:
Marching in stillness of moments


Inside the mind
A symphony of strands
Cosmic Self reveals itself
Through the sentient eye

Beauty and power of light
Sing the song of delight
I sink into the coils of life
Depths carry me to the heights

Transforming me is the sound
Presenting itself most gently
Rapture so divine
A heart can only sigh

In awe I bow
Before thy might
For it let me know
In all divine is found

Inside The Darkness

Stare into the darkness – waking library
Silent shadows sidle into the corner of thy eye
Silhouettes so eerie you can't ignore the fright
Yet so appealing, you are hypnotized

Listen to the silence in the dim parlor of night
Your ears glimpse the whispers neath the curtain
Catch the shivers running up your spine -
That brumous tingle throughout every breath

Walls begin their languid dance
The air so dense you dare not gasp
Holds thy body strong and still, yet shunned
Animals as thoughts sliding through your skin

Spirits so benighted now close in
Flocks of childhood's lost surface
Let the magical fear lead thee
To the forest of thy hidden realms


Remaining in silence
Observe the breath
Isn't it impermanent, like all?

See it come and go like waves
On oceans of life and death

The things that you see and express
They were, they are, and will be

The words, the fragrance, the breath
And all things that lay beyond
Shall perish in eternal flow
But their mystery's beauty
Gracefully persists forevermore

Remaining in silence
Observe the breath...
Isn't it impermanent, like all?


Of being a dream

fading into the inside sky
holding my hand, lurk in divine
and catch my grip
because you are
the bride of the night
just waiting for the day
to slip away from the
rotten core of untrue realms
fading into the voids
dancing above the moon
search for a dream
amongst the living shadows

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

That, Which Lies Beyond The Labels

The more I look into the void, the more I realize
We dream eternity which we don’t recognize
The Word is an illusion, just an infinite sea
And in the starless blackness, the unawareness’ spree

Somewhere between the atoms, so infinitely small
There is a scent of vibrant tickles, silent blows
Between the constellations of nothingness and heat
There is a bird that whispers songs bitter and sweet

In universal ruffles, there is a hidden vagrant
So tiny is our lucid stage of dream, a stagnant
Phase of conscious suspense that transpires slowly
Through the cosmos coyly and through sine waves boldly

And in this vivacious, immense, fractal cauldron
I float and gaze and try to behold eluding light of
That which has always shined bright, but to our own blind seeing
We did refuse to embrace that, which lies beyond the labels

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Widziałem was, dusze, rozprute cierpieniem
Rozpięte na łożu Madeja, rzężące;
Przymusem juczone, pędem okrojone
Ropieją was rany w zamęcie wygięte

Na cywilizacji golgocie zebrani
Kijami kompulsji przygnani jak bydło
By bić pokłony przed białymi ściany:
Poprawnej wiedzy nowoczesnym bogiem

Pchani wciąż do przodu, byle by przed siebie
Do ubojni duszy zwanej popkulturą
Bo pokaz iśc musi, ku chorej uciesze
Spyszniałej swą wiedzą zgrai pseudoludzi

Rozwarte ich paszcze pełne führeryzmów
Rzygają nam w uszy ochłapami frazek
Abyśmy się bili: który ochłap lepszy?
Nawet wolny wybór staje się nakazem!

I wszyscyśmy są ślepi, że niewolnikami
Parszywców co żywią się na naszych duszach
Wciąż w kierat wtłaczani, by z nas więcej ukraść
Mogli ci, co siedzą w z ludzkiej skóry futrach